Electrical Safety for Kids Video Playlist
Watch more videos with your kids on how to stay safe. View our kids’ safety videos.
Mire más videos con sus hijos sobre cómo mantenerse a salvo. Vea los videos de seguridad de nuestros niños.
BeAware Bear has some helpful safety tips.
Learn how to be safe with electricity, both indoors and out:
Indoor Safety
- Keep appliances away from water.
- Only plugs go in outlets.
- Place portable heaters away from walls and drapes.
- Place portable heaters where you won’t trip over the cord.
- Unplug decorative and holiday lights when you leave the house.
Outdoor Safety
- Stay away from downed power lines – you can help by calling 911 and inform MID at (209) 526-7337 and say or press 4.
- Never touch fallen power lines or try to rescue someone in contact with a power line.
- If downed power lines have fallen on a motor vehicle, avoid contact with the vehicle.
- If a line falls on your vehicle while you’re in it, stay inside and wait for help. If you have to get out of the vehicle due to fire or smoke, open the door and without touching the sides of the vehicle jump out and land with both feet together and then shuffle away keeping your feet as close together as possible and not lifting them off the ground.
- Call before you dig.
- Keep ladders, tools, and yourself away from power lines.
- Watch out for power lines when you trim a tree.
- Don’t play near power lines or anything electric.
- Never climb utility poles or structures.
- Fly kites, drones and model airplanes in open areas away from power lines.
- If a kite, drone or model airplane gets entangled or flies into a power line or electric equipment, don’t try to remove it yourself. Call MID at (209) 526-8222.
- Balloons, especially Mylar balloons, can cause power outages if they come in contact with power lines.
- Make sure all ballons are secured and keep balloons away from power lines.
- Dispose of balloons properly after use – fully deflate and put them in the trash.
- If you see balloons entangled in a power line, call MID at (209) 526-8222. Don’t try to remove them yourself.