Canal Safety for Kids Video Playlist
Watch more videos with your kids on how to stay safe. View our kids’ safety videos.
Mire más videos con sus hijos sobre cómo mantenerse a salvo. Vea los videos de seguridad de nuestros niños.
Splasher, MID’s Canal Safety Frog, encourages everyone to learn to swim.
Canals are usually full March through October. It’s always the right time to have a family discussion about water safety. To get the discussion going, use Splasher’s Canal Safety Rules.
Splasher’s Canal Safety Rules
- Learn to swim!
- Never swim alone!
- Swim and play in safe places!
- Never swim in canals!
Swim Lessons
The City of Modesto offers swim lessons every summer. Class schedules and registration information are available from the City of Modesto’s Recreation and Neighborhoods Department or by calling (209) 577-5344.
Stanislaus County Police Activities League also offers swim lessons and hosts recreation swim and Splash Days at the Stanislaus County Regional Water Safety Training Center-Empire Pool. Recreation swim, Splash Days and swim lessons schedules and registration are available online or by calling (209) 529-9121.
Each year, MID proudly supports and sponsors City of Modesto and Stanislaus County swim lessons and Splash Days.
Places to Swim
The City of Modesto has several neighborhood pools and splash grounds for swimmers of all ages to enjoy and safely beat the summer heat. The Stanislaus County Regional Water Safety Training Center-Empire Pool is another safe, fun place for children and families to keep cool.
Never swim in canals!