Modesto Irrigation District Community Alternative Rates for Electric Service (MID CARES) for Low-Income Customers

Your enrollment in MID CARES reduces your fixed monthly charge from $32 to $12.80 and includes a 23% discount on the first 850 kWh you use each month for a period of up to three years, or as long as you qualify.

Use the chart below to see if you would qualify.

The total income (before taxes) of all people in your household must be at or below:

Number of people in your householdMonthly Income for all household membersAnnual Income for all household members
3 $4,303
For each additional household member add:$897 per month$10,760 per year

* Effective Mar 1, 2024

To Apply

  1. Download one of the applications below.
  2. Fill out the application.
  3. Include a copy of your MID electric bill. The name on the MID bill and the name on the application must be the same.
  4. Include proof of 1 month’s income received within the last three months for everyone in your household.
  5. Mail the completed application and support documents to the address listed on the application form.

Disclaimer: We do not retain copies of returned applications. If you submitted your application via email, please be sure to include all of your documentation, including your application.  If you submitted your application via mail or drop off, please be sure to include your documentation, including your application.

Applications and Required Form



To request an application to be mailed to your address, please call (866) 645-6625 (Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)


If you need assistance completing this application: Please call (209) 526-7435, or bring your information to MID office at 1231 11th Street, Modesto. For TDD/TTY call California Relay Service at (800) 735-2929 TTY.

Application Status

Check the status of your application after you have applied: You can also call (866) 645-6625 to check the status of your application after you have applied. The toll-free number is active Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. excluding holidays.

Additional Questions?

For more information see our MID CARES Questions and Answers.

Customers who qualify for the Medical Life Support Rate program may be eligible to receive both discounts.