The Modesto Irrigation District (MID), located in California’s Central Valley, provides electric and irrigation and treats surface water for drinking. MID is an independent, publicly-owned utility and is committed to providing reliable service at the lowest cost possible.
We provide benefits that include:
Community ownership
Control by a locally elected Board of Directors
Business operation on a not-for-profit basis

Service Area
The MID electric service area includes the greater Modesto area (north of the Tuolumne River, Waterford, Salida, Mountain House (Northwest of Tracy), and parts of Ripon, Escalon, Oakdale, and Riverbank.
MID will provide electric, irrigation, and domestic water services for its customers, delivering the highest value at the lowest cost possible through teamwork, technology, innovation, and commitment.
Our Vision
MID will be the preferred electric and water utility for existing and potential customers by exceeding their expectations.
Key Dates
July 1887
Irrigation water in the canals
Electric service
Waterford Irrigation District merger
Modesto Regional Water Treatment Plant