Business Hours
Customer phone and email service: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Customer lobby service: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Business offices: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Important Numbers
Power Outages
(209) 526-7337 or (888) 335-1643 toll-free
Say or press 3
Emergency Contacts (day or night)
(209) 526-8222 or (888) 897-8222 Toll-Free
Call Before You Dig
Toll-Free (800) 227-2600 or visit the Call811 website
Report Power Theft – (209) 526-7337
Electric Service
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Customer Service
(209) 526-7337 or Toll Free (888) 335-1643
Fax (209) 526-7359
Email Customer Service
MID Cares Program (209) 526-7435
TTY (800) 735-2929
Email MID Cares Program
Energy Conservation
(209) 526-7339
Email Energy Services
Please be advised that it may take up to one (1) business day to receive a reply to email correspondence.
Irrigation Service
Monday – Friday, 7 AM to 4 PM
(209) 526-7639
Email Irrigation Field Services
Please be advised that it may take up to one (1) business day to receive a reply to email correspondence.
In Person or by Mail
MID Office
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
1231 11th Street, Modesto
(209) 526-7373
Mailing Address:
Modesto Irrigation District
PO Box 4060
Modesto, CA 95352-4060
MID Organization
Board of Directors
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(209) 526-7360
Human Resources
(209) 526-7341
24hr Job Line
(209) 526-7364
Media Inquiries
(209) 526-7390
(209) 526-7454
Email Public Affairs
Please be advised that it may take up to one (1) business day to receive a reply to email correspondence.
Office Closure Dates
MID offices will be closed on the following dates
- New Year’s Day 01/01/2024
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day 01/15/2024
- Presidents’ Day 02/19/2024
- Memorial Day 05/27/2024
- Independence Day 07/04/2024
- Labor Day 09/02/2024
- Veterans Day 11/11/2024
- Thanksgiving 11/28/2024
- Thanksgiving (Day after) 11/29/2024
- Christmas Eve 12/24/2024
- Christmas Day 12/25/2024
- New Year’s Eve 12/31/2024